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What is The Hive Youth Zone planning to do?

Following the recent government announcement and revised guidance from the National Youth Agency, we will be adapting our offer for young people. You can read our plans at

With your plans, who will be able to access face-to-face provision (indoor or outdoor) and how have you arrived at that decision?

Our Youth Zone is following guidance from The National Youth Agency. You can read their current sector specific advice here

We are currently running invite only sessions for members who need support. You can read about our plans at

You can email the team at if you have any questions about how the invite system works.

Our Outreach Team are also working to engage with groups of young people while out in Wirral a couple of evenings a week.

How many young people will be able to access face-to-face provision (indoor or outdoor) at any one time?

Our maximum group size must not exceed 15. This number includes a Youth Worker.

What hours will the face-to-face provision be available, and where will it take place?

As sessions will be invite only, young people will be given details of they and time they are invited to attend.

What activities will young people be able to take part in?

Young people will be invited to support sessions which will include sports, arts and music activities, along with one-to-one support sessions with a Youth Worker.

Will my child be able to attend with their friends?

Unfortunately as sessions are invite only a young person will not be able to request to attend with a friend.

Is it still 50p per visit, and will you be accepting cash?

Yes, it will  cost 50p for the activity they are invited coming to and we will accept cash.

What measures have you taken to ensure your plan is safe and how will you be managing social distancing and hygiene measures?

 We have conducted a detailed risk assessment and modified aspects of service delivery and building use in line with restrictions and guidance.

For more information please click here Wirral Youth Zone Pandemic risk assessment V2.1 to download our Risk Assessment.

National Youth Agency Guidance 

Group sizes will not exceed 15 people (including a Youth Worker)

We have marked out 2-metre spacings within the Youth Zone to help young people and employees maintain this distance. We will remain vigilant and enforce this rule as best we can recognising that the participants need to take responsibility for their actions.

All members will need to have their temperature taken prior to entry and put hand sanitiser on – if a member’s temperature is 37.8 degrees or higher they will not be granted access to the building. Hand washing /sanitising facilities will be available at many locations throughout the building and regular handwashing/sanitising will be encouraged. Any member over the age of 11 is required to wear a face covering unless exempt. 

There will be regular cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces and objects that are frequently touched by young people and staff during sessions. A deep clean will be undertaken prior to opening and regular cleaning will be scheduled for when the Youth Zone is closed.

We will continue to follow guidance from the government, NHS, National Youth Agency, Public Health England, Health and Safety Executive and wider stakeholders including the local authority, local schools, and Wirral Council.

All plans will be closely monitored and may adjust in response to internal and external factors.

Will young people be able to or be required to wear face coverings?

The latest update to government guidance states that youth centres have been added to the list of places that people must wear face coverings. This update applies to our members age 11+ and to all visitors to our building (including parents / carers) For more information please click the link below or get in touch with our team.

Have you made changes to the building and how it is used?

We have mapped out 2 metre markings within the Youth Zone to help young people and employees maintain this distance.

We’ve also stopped free-roam sessions, we have restricted areas and a booking system for sessions. We have a one-way system around the building to maintain social distancing in corridors and doorways.

Who has been consulted regarding the plan?

The plan has been created using guidance from the government, NHS, National Youth Agency, Public Health England, Health and Safety Executive and wider stakeholders such as the local authority, local schools, and Wirral Council.

We will continue to follow this guidance and the plan will be closely monitored and may adjust in response to internal and external factors.

Have workers and volunteers received additional training?

Yes. All staff and volunteers have been trained in the measures that we have put in place to make the building covid-secure. All departments and activities will have additional risk assessments to control the spread of the virus which all staff will have read, understood and signed.

Will workers and volunteers be wearing PPE such as face coverings?

In-line with government guidance, workers and volunteers are required to wear face covering unless exempt.

Staff and volunteers will wear a mask, apron, and gloves in exceptional circumstances where it is essential to be closer than two meters, such as if someone becomes unwell or requires medical attention during a session.

Will workers and volunteers be regularly tested?

In line with the current government guidance our staff members do not need to be routinely tested.

We request that staff, volunteers, and young people do not attend the Youth Zone if they, or someone in their household, display any Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms. They should follow government guidance on self-isolation, using the track and trace service, and being tested.

What will you do if someone involved in a face-to-face session or one of their family members/guardians is showing symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

If someone involved in a face-to-face session or one of their family members/guardians is showing symptoms of Coronavirus they will have been asked not to attend the session.

For whatever reason a member is showing symptoms they will be isolated in our intervention room until collected by a guardian. A control measure we have in place for this is we are checking members temperatures on arrival. If a temperature is 37.8 or above they will be asked to leave.

If a member does not have a temperature on arrival but starts to display symptoms throughout the session, they will go into an isolation room with a staff member until they are collected by a parent/guardian.

Are there plans to increase the number of young people who can access face-to-face provision?

We will only increase capacity when we are given guidance from The National Youth Agency that it is safe to do so.