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I’m a parent or carer

Your young person and the hive

Once your child turns 8, they can join The Hive Youth Zone and start accessing the activities and fantastic facilities we’ve got to offer!  

Our annual membership fee is £5, and then only 50p every time your child comes to a session. We’re open to young people from all backgrounds, for all abilities, from right across Wirral.  

Renew your child's membership

The Hive Youth Zone is a charity which relies on funding from our network of incredible patrons, donors, partners, grant-making organisations AND £5 membership fees.

When renewing your membership, it’s important that you: 

  • Tell us about any changes to your child’s  information like your address, school, or contact details 
  • Include two different emergency contacts 
  • Read and accept consent carefully 
  • Pay the £5 membership renewal fee by card. 

your FAqs

Can I come for a look around before signing my child up as a member?

Absolutely! You’re welcome to come and have a look at the session your member will come to – just speak to the reception team at the door. You can also take a virtual tour here.

Complete the online form here (don’t forget to use your code if you’ve been given a free membership to redeem). It normally costs £5 for an annual membership.  

As soon as you’ve completed the membership forms. Your child has to be 8 years old to join as a member.  

The youth zone is a space which belongs to young people and is all about building independence as well as having loads of fun. That’s why parents and carers don’t stay on universal sessions. If your young person is unsure about staying without you, let us know and we will make sure they have a buddy youth worker to help them settle in. 

On our HiveAbility Sunday session, you can arrange to stay if your young person needs a bit more support – please speak to the youth work team first to discuss this.  

We’ll give you a tour and, if you’re not coming with friends, we can buddy you up with other members who’ll show you around and help you find your feet. Our friendly youth workers will find out what you’re into and can help you find activities which might be right up your street. If there’s something you particularly want to do, just let us know! There’s always one youth worker who is the buddy for the session for any young person who’s new.  

We have a wall of compartment shelves where young people can leave coats and bags, and they can also leave them at reception. On juniors and HiveAbility, young people can leave their money with our reception team to look after if you’d like – we‘ll give them a named money bag. 

Cafe Hive offers a tasty menu of hot meals, sandwiches, pasta, drinks and snacks and our tuck shop is open for part of every session.   

A hot meal costs £1. 

Screens on the wall by reception show you the full programme, or your young person can ask any member of the team including our young leaders. For those old enough for social media, we also post every session timetable on our stories.  

We often have whiteboards outside rooms telling young people what’s happening and how you can get involved.  

Some activities have limited numbers so we have to work on a first come, first served system – you’ll often find there’s a sign-up sheet to use the climbing wall or training kitchen. Young people can listen out on the tannoy for announcements when things are starting or signing up.  

On juniors, we don’t allow children to leave by themselves unless you’ve given specific permission for this on their membership record. You are responsible for your child once they leave The Hive. 

On HiveAbility, you’ll guide us on the permission you want to give for your young person. 

Seniors are able to leave session by themselves.  

Talk to a member of our team and we’ll discuss the options open to you.  

Everyone using The Hive – young people, team members, volunteers and visitors – must respect these groundrules for being here. The code was designed by young people for The Hive:  

  • Respect yourself
  • Respect each other 
  • Respect the team 
  • Respect the building 


This is the system we use to track the experience young people have with us as members of The Hive. It’s a series of questions we use to help us understand how a young person is feeling about their confidence, self-awareness and other key issues as they start their membership or their journey on a specific project, and how they feel about those things after a specific period of time. 

Asking these questions helps us track the effectiveness of our youth work and report on our progress to funders. In turn, this helps us make sure we’re focusing our youth work on the issues which are most impactful for young people at any one time. 

Your young person may be asked to answer questions for a MeApp – please encourage them to do so. Information from MeApps is anonymised and aggregated in our data reporting. 

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