Young people drive the hive
More than 300 young people from across Wirral helped to create The Hive – and hundreds more are steering our work today through our Hive Ambassador, Young Leader, Junior Council and feedback programmes.

Where our identity comes from
The Hive brand was developed by young people to represent the values they want from the work we do here. It’s about adventure and fun here in our hive of activity, opportunity and industry for all young people – where they can find their purpose and passion through trying new experiences and learning new skills.
Our strategy
We’re working with all our stakeholders at the moment to develop our next long-term strategy, setting out The Hive’s ambition and plans to 2030.
Young people kick-started the process for us with a week of ‘Have Your Say Day’ activity earlier this year, and we’ll be sharing our draft strategy with the whole Wirral community in the coming months to shape The Hive’s work for young people into its next decade and beyond. We already know that one of our key ambitions is to develop young people’s voice and leadership even more – and that all starts with their vision.

Our impact

Memberships since we opened

Activities offered for young people since 2017

Volunteers all-time

Hours of volunteering to support young people

Visits to The Hive between January and April 2024